Wednesday, April 14, 2010

One very busy day!

And busy it sure was!  It started with a visit to a new daycare.  Let me start by saying that I am not upset with BBZ's current situation, but I drove by a fairly new daycare this week that I finally decided to call.  I wrote their number down a few times and finally called this week.  When they said that the tuition is significantly less than what we are paying now, I thought it was worth looking at.  It is much smaller than the one he is in, but I kind of like that.  There are only 7 teachers at the whole school compared to 7 teachers in BBZ's room and the room next door (they often combine).  One thing I do hate about his school is that the person that's there when I drop him off is never there when I pick him up, so getting a good summary of the day's happenings is tough.  It has been extra crazy there lately and I hate when I go to pick him up and it's too busy to talk to his teachers about the day.  I guess there are things I don't like, but I wasn't really looking for a new place, just exploring our options, I guess.  It was really nice, but there are down sides too.  We are also talking about moving sometime in the next year or so, so just because this place is close to our house may not mean that it's close to where we are moving.  Like I said, I really liked it, but I don't think I liked it enough to drive there no matter where we move, so I think we will probably keep him where he is at least until we decide to move.

So anyway, that tour was at 8am this morning, so afterwards we headed to the Zoo to meet up with some girlfriends and their babies for a play date!  We got there early so BBZ and I had some fun tim playing with the ducks and in the elephant fountain.  I got lots of great pics today too!

BBZ has a new love of birds.  He kept quacking at these ducks!  He even stuck his finger in the fence and got bit!  Not hard though, thank goodness!

He found these plants that fell off of a tree and he thought they were worms!  He kept saying "da-da' when he saw them because N has been digging in the garden and helping BBZ finds worms.  He collected a few and put them on the top of his stroller, just for Da-da.

He stood in front of this gorilla and totally posed for this photo opp!

He got a big kick out of the orangutan!

This giraffe (aka jaff) was his absolute favorite!

He kept getting closer...

...and closer!  BBZ kept tearing up grass and trying to feed it to him.  Too cute!

We stopped and had to have some french fries, although he didn't eat as many as usual.

We ended the day with a train ride all around the Zoo!  It was such a fun day.

BBZ fell asleep in the car for about 15 minutes on the way home, and I thought he would sleep some more when we got home, but no such luck.  He had his second wind when we got home!  We played for a little while and I finally got him to nap around 2:45pm.  He slept for a little over an hour and then we had to leave again!

I have been doing some soul searching about my job lately and trying to decide what some long-term plans should be for me.  I love my job, but I often feel like I need to be working toward something more.  2 years ago last December I completed all of the papers to begin my 3000 hours of supervised work toward my License in Professional Counseling.  I looked at the papers from back then this week and I literally got pregnant about 2 weeks after the papers were signed.  I guess things have a funny way of working out because I don't think I was really invested at the time.  I am still deciding, but I think this is the right time to dedicate the next 2 years to this supervision.  Having an LPC will open lots of options for me and my career.  I am very happy where I am, but I don't know if it would be worth it to have 2 kids in daycare on my salary.  I would really be paying to have kids in daycare.  We want to have another child at some point, so these are things we need to think about.  We'll see.  So anyway, tonight there was a speaker at my graduate school who is the director of the committee who approves applications for supervision and licenses counselors.  I was able to ask some questions and get some good information.  N's sister was kind enough to watch BBZ on very short notice since N is at a baseball game.  What a day!  I planned to give BBZ a bath when we got home, but he was beat.  It stinks too because tomorrow is my La Leche League meeting and we don't usually get home until late.  We'll see how tomorrow goes, we might be able to squeeze one in.

Wow, that was a lot for a Wednesday!  I hope everyone enjoyed theirs as much as I did!