Sunday, January 4, 2009

Back to work - once again

Well here I am again. It's Sunday and I officially go back to work tomorrow after having 12 weeks off for maternity leave, returning to work for 2 weeks, then having 2 weeks off for the holidays. BBZ will be 15 weeks on Tuesday. I should, and do, feel very lucky to have been able to keep him home and out of daycare this long. My mom is in town and will watch the little man all week since he couldn't start at his daycare until the 12th. So he will be one week shy of 4 months when he starts. Look how lucky we are! There are some moms who have to put their 6 week old baby into daycare. I can't imagine how hard that would be. We are really lucky. I visited our daycare last Wednesday to drop off papers and met his primary teacher. This is the person who will write in his notebook, have conferences with us, etc. She was awesome. She breastfed her baby, she is going to school to be an early education teacher, and she has 2 years left of school, which hopefully means she will be there for 2 years with BBZ. As we were walking in, a mom was leaving holding a carseat. We spoke for just a minute but discovered that her little boy and BBZ are 6 days apart and will be in the same room. They will be buddies! He starts tomorrow, which leads me to believe that they didn't want to start 2 new infants on the same week. That's pretty cool. So all panic aside, I really think we will all be happy with his daycare situation. It's hard going back tomorrow knowing it's for good. But I know he will be ok, and so will I.