Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Waaaay Back When-sday! Hair phases.

Most of my life I have had long hair.  My mom had it cut when I was about 6, but otherwise all of my school photos look the same.  Until my junior year in high school when my friend, Laura, cut my hair for me.  I cut it again in college and kept it short almost the whole time I was in college.  My college friends often comment on how long my hair is since they knew me during the only 4 years of my life that it was short.  I decided to grow it out again when I graduated and in 2003 got a TERRIBLE haircut when I went to one of those cheap places for a trim.  I swore off hair places and it grew like crazy.  I think I was very attached to my hair.  I thought the length said something about me and I had to have it long.  The longest it has ever been was at my wedding and honeymoon.  This was on our honeymoon...

My eyes look that tired because I got a terrible sinus infection the day we left for our 10-day road trip.  Luckily I managed to get a prescription called in before our flight left.

So anyway, I kept my hair long like this for a while, but knew I was getting close to chopping it all off.  I still felt a bit defined by my long hair and wanted to rid myself of this false security I had with it.  I was nervous about ending up with something I hated, so when I found a hair dresser that I loved it was worth the 30 minute drive to have her cut it.  (I still go to her and the drive is now 45 minutes!  She's worth every minute.)  I went to her for a while and finally in July of 2007, I came home from the haircut place like this...

12 inches off!  I was super excited for my new look and couldn't believe I actually went through with it.  Ever since then I have been torn between growing it out and chopping it off.  It's like I love the idea of long hair, but it's so fun to leave the salon looking totally different than you did when you walked in.  My hair is growing like crazy and digging up that first picture makes me lean more towards letting it keep growing.  Then again, life with a toddler makes it difficult to leave the house without my long hair in a pony tail!