I did not leave a full bag of poopy cloth diapers at BBZ's school on Friday only to realize this after the school closed. I am not out of town all week. The diapers will not sit there getting nastier and nastier for me to clean NEXT Monday. I am never in a rush and always take my time and would never do something so...dumb.
I did not allow my child to eat goldfish the entire time we were at our Le Leche League meeting so he would stay quiet and occupied the whole time. I would never use food to distract my child. Especially food that is not-so-good for him.
I was not a little excited about waking BBZ up at 4am when we left for our trip yesterday. I did not think it was a little funny to be the one waking him up at that hour instead of vise versa. I would never find excitement or humor in my child's unhappiness. That's just cruel and I am not that selfish!
Want to join in on the Not Me! Monday fun? I think she's skipping the carnival this week, but nevertheless, this blog carnival was started by MckMama, head on over to her blog and see what she and all the other moms have not been doing this week.