Here he is with his soccer ball and "bum-in" from school.
Little Yoda! Thanks so much to Gina for letting us borrow L's costume! BBZ loved it!
The whole crew bundled up and ready to head out!
We started out right at sundown. It was a beautiful, but cold evening.
BBZ didn't quite understand at first. I carried him up to the houses and gave him the bucket and told him to walk toward the door and say Trick or Treat. He would walk up and say "hi, hi, hi" and tried to walk into this guys house!
Princess Leia and Yoda
Daddy walked him up to s few doors too!
Once he realized that the people were giving him candy he was so excited!
He never did say Trick or Treat, but he did say hi over and over with his bucket held out!
We all had a great time!
It was such a fun Halloween! It was weird to be the parent walking around with the kiddos rather than the one going to the door wanting candy. I haven't trick or treated in a long time, but this is the first time I have ever been the chaperon and it was a little weird. I guess I am all grown up now. I do have a few more years before BBZ can actually eat the candy, so I do still get the candy, which is pretty cool! I have to share it with N, of course. But that's ok :)