We did a whole lot this month!
Like take our first ride in a gator while at
Nikki's farm for his very first 4th of July...

Checked out this big donut toy...

Kicked it with his friend, P.

They are only 6 weeks apart! You wouldn't guess that BBZ is the older one!

We practiced the ukulele...

Practice makes perfect!

He got this odd visit from our ancestors on the Z side from the Civil War era. Hmmm...

Then there was that trip to the hospital. I think most of you know about that, but just in case,
click here for the long story.

Mama watching over him.

Hoping I would see him feeling better soon.
His precious little feet covered in hospital bracelets and an IV.

A gorgeous plant from our best friends with an added decoration from Jake.

Finally a smile on Day 3!

This picture just cracks me up!

Home at last after 4 long days!

Eating carrots...surgery? What intestinal surgery???
Our many friends who are new moms. This is the group from
this post...all together at last for little A's first birthday!

Look at those big ol' teeth! He's cutting 2 more too!

Such a cute little gBottom!
Scrub-a-dub-dub in the tub...