I also bought this bath ring from a lady on Craig's List for $5 and gave it a try tonight. He was able to sit up pretty well, but not well enough. He got kind of slippery and it made me nervous. I think we will wait a couple more weeks just so he will be a little bit better at sitting up on his own. But look how cute he looked in the tub!
Ok, I am off to start sewing those cloth diaper inserts. Tomorrow I am taking the Certified Case Manager Exam...wish me luck! I planned to study tonight, but the exam says that it is practice-based, so if you work in a case management position you should already know the information. Hopefully that is true because besides reading the glossary of terms from the website, I am going in pretty blind. I think it will go well though. I won;t find out for 8 weeks, but I will let everyone know when I get the test score!
By the way, a lady contacted me about the bumgenius diapers I am seling on Craig's List and I think she might buy them! And I was honest about their condition! Hopefully they will work for her and it is a fit issue rather than a diaper issue.