Holy cow, illnesses have been making their way around our house like crazy. Seriously. Let me try and track how things have been going around here.
So on Monday 2/20, I was off work anyway and took BBZ to the doctor with my suspicions of a sinus infection. She confirmed my suspicions and also voluntarily checked LBZ's ears as he had some of the same runny nose and cough symptoms like his brother. His ears were clear, whew!
So BBZ started his antibiotics and the infection seemed to start clearing up right away. When I picked LBZ up from school on 2/21, his teachers said that he was running a low-grade fever. Thinking it was teething since his ears were clear the day before, I sent him to school as always.
On Wednesday 2/22, his teachers called and said his fever was 101 and I went to pick him up. The fever stayed pretty steady Wednesday and Thursday, but he didn't seem too uncomfortable. When the temp peeked at 103.4 on Friday 2/24, I decided to take him back to the doc. Diagnosis? Double ear infection. We left with a prescription for antibiotics.
LBZ was cranky over the weekend, but seemed ok enough to get out of the house on an unseasonably warm day. That's when we went to the butterfly house and he was in the swing for the first time. It was a fun day.
I took him back to school on Monday and he did ok, but certainly was not back to his normal self. I hate not being with him when he's getting over illnesses, but I can't really use more sick time when he doesn't have to stay home. I hoped he would bounce back soon from the infections. His teacher was back that morning and said she had been sick all weekend too. Guess it was going around.
On Tuesday 2/28, I got an email stating that there was a case of influenza A in LBZ's classroom. Turns out it was his teacher. Actually, his teachers. All 3 had it. I have no doubt that LBZ had it too, but when the ear infections were discovered they were blamed for the fever and the flu wasn't explored. I called his doc, but there was nothing they needed to do since it had been so long and there was no more fever.
I decided to explore a chiropractor to address LBZ's repeat ear infections. A friend recommended someone, so I picked LBZ up early and took him on Thursday 3/1. It was awesome and I left with some instructions from the doc and a positive outlook on the situation. And no antibiotics :)
Thursday evening when I was giving BBZ a bath, I noticed that he had goose bumps and chills when in the water. I took his temp and now he had a fever. I kept both boys home Friday. LBZ slept awesome all weekend, something I attribute to both the chiropractic adjustment and to him feeling better, but BBZ slept like crap. Even this morning he ended up in our bed.
So this morning I got an email from BBZ's class that said there was a case of influenza A in his classroom, too. N's parents said that Missouri has the most cases of the flu reported this season. I'm certain both of my boys had it and their cases weren't even reported, so who knows how many there really were.
Other than the fever, BBZ has had no symptoms until today. He was acting fine, eating fine, and besides waking up at night seemed fine in every way. I am home today for my first Monday off, and I thought BBZ was over it, but he just woke up from his nap and has a fever again.
Ugh. This flu season sucks! I've never had the flu, BBZ has never had the flu, but this year it hit us hard. Many people blame it on the fact that we didn't really have a winter, so there was no freeze to kill the viruses. Who knows, I just know that I am ready to be done with this!
I guess BBZ will be home tomorrow, too. Luckily, I had 2 really crazy weeks at work before all of these illnesses hit, so I'm not falling too far behind. I can't say the same for my sick time, though. It's dwindling away fast!
Come on Spring!!!