This week has been crazy around our house! We decided a while ago that we wanted to get new floors on the downstairs level of our house. The floors were a beautiful pine wood that the previous owner refinished, but they were also our subfloors. I imagine what happened is that the lady who flipped our house tore up the carpet and saw these pretty pine floors and kept them as the main hardwood flooring. The bad thing about this is that they are meant to be sub floors, so dirt when down to the basement. Plus, there were lots of weak spots (our house is nearly 100 years old) and the transitions into the attached rooms were off. We started looking at laminate flooring, but the floor is too crooked. Lima Contracting did the work and did an amazing job! He told us that laminate wouldn't give like hardwood so it won't last. We had to pay a little more for the hardwood, but we think it was money well spent...what do you think?

I love this picture of BBZ! He was listening to N's iPod in the hall where the guys left there things for the night. Look how shiny the floors are! N and I agree that they will never be as clean as they are in these photos.
In other news, this week has been rough in the sleeping department. BBZ has been waking up a lot and resisting going back to sleep, so Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday mornings I brought him to bed with us between 1am-4am after trying for at least an hour to get him back to sleep in his bed. He would fall alseep on my shoulder, but the second he hit his mattress he would wake up and want me to pick him up. In our bed he slept until 6:30am each morning, which was better than nothing. Last night in the bath I noticed that his ear was draining and he kept sticking his finger in it and whining. So when he didn't want anything to do with his bed after 1am last night (although N somehow got him to go back to sleep) I thought there might be something going on.
Let me just say here that everytime I take BBZ to the doctor I worry that nothing is wrong and I will look like an idiot for taking him when he has a common cold or other minor thing. Not that I want something to be wrong, but you know what I mean. He rarely gets a fever, so with that and diarrhea being the only symptoms that keep him out of school, taking him to the doctor without those symptoms always seems risky. But that being said, I am almost always right that something is wrong. I took him a few weeks ago when he was pulling on his ears but couldn't tell if it was teeth or ears, and his ears were fine, but his throat was sore. Today he had an ear infection that was draining through the tubes and a throat infection. I bet his thraoy has been sore for a while and never got better from when he saw the doc before. The tubes are doing what they are supposed to do, and we would normally be able to treat the ear with drops, but because of the throat thing we have to do oral antibiotics. I was kind of mad at first, but then I realized that he has been without an ear infection for almost 6 weeks...there is no way that would be true without the tubes.
So under the weather our BBZ is again, but he has 1 dose of amoxicillin in him today, so hopefully he will feel better tomorrow. All these doctors suck with all the co-pays, but I must say it is also money very well spent.