I can't believe how rarely I blogged in December. I guess we have just been really busy. It's been hard being back at work...I don't want to waste any time that I am home, so I am constantly snuggling with one of my boys. Blogging has taken a back seat, I suppose.
I have also been falling asleep with BBZ almost every single night. Now that LBZ has a much, much easier bedtime routine, BBZ usually gets my full attention at bedtime again. He's so snuggly at bedtime, I guess I can't help myself!
So being in bed by say, 9pm and being awake for maybe 10 minutes before the boys wake up leaves hardly anytime to blog. Although I did punch out a detailed cloth diapering post for a contest. That was a must though :)
We were also able to spend a lot of time with family this month and since I usually post to keep family informed of what we are up to, I didn't feel the same need as other months. Just another thing I love about December!
Luckily, I did remember to take lots of pictures!
Here we are at the tree lot, choosing our perfect 2010 Christmas tree.
I can't believe how big BBZ looks in these pictures. He's such a little man!
The tree in it's perfect place :)
LBZ visited his daycare classroom for the first time this day while we went to the tree lot. He did great and has been enjoying being at school. He did watch us put the tree up though!
My parents bought us this awesome electric fireplace for our anniversary. It's so great! It's a space heater, so it really does heat up the big room. The room is all windows, so it gets pretty cool on this side of the house. Plus I love how it looks like a real fireplace! Isaac is wearing his steal-your-face t-shirt, but if you ask him what's on his shirt he proudly says "it's my rip your face off t-shirt". He cracks me up!
For the past few years we have done a gingerbread house with my mom. She tends to be in town at least for a short while around the holidays, so we try to do it when she is here.
BBZ made his first menorah and was very interested in celebrating Hanukkah this year. For those of you who don't know, BBZ and LBZ go to school at a Jewish Community Center. Neither N or I are Jewish, but besides what our parents raised us celebrating, we are no more Christian than we are Jewish, so celebrating both seemed like the thing to do! It has been an awesome way to talk with BBZ about what people celebrate and why and also why we celebrate different things at home than at school. We're very multi-cultural in our home :)
Then we baked and baked and baked! I never realized how much fun it is to bake cookies. Even though I didn't get much help from BBZ, we still had a blast.
Here is our annual Christmas Eve photo with the Z family. One extra member this year!
My best attempt at photographing my boys in their Christmas best. Ah well, close enough!
I bought this chair for N for Christmas and had it hidden at his sister's house until Christmas Eve. He was surprised! He has been looking for a chair for a while now, and when I found this one while Christmas shopping with my mom earlier in the month, I knew it would be the perfect surprise present. Everything else I got him was something he asked for, so I really wanted at least one surprise.
Baby's first Christmas present :)
He loved it!
Our niece J suddenly looks so grown up! She was only 3 when N and I got together, so I have really watched her grow up. She has really become a young lady right before our eyes. I even bought make-up for her this year for Christmas! Crazy.
Yes, that is a Hulk spatula. Awesome is the only way to describe this clever gift!
It would not be a party if LBZ didn't pass out on the floor. Never, ever, ever in the history of BBZ's life did he ever fall asleep on the floor. Ever. LBZ is a pro at it! I thought about laying him in the playpen, but then I remembered that if he is tired, he just pops those fingers in his mouth and falls asleep! It's awesome. Seriously.
BBZ in his sweet Spiderman slippers and matching umbrella. I see some puddle hopping in our future!
Both boys passed out on our way to the 2nd holiday celebration. Christmas celebrating takes a lot out of ya!
Merry Christmas, Luther Blue Eyes!
BBZ barely ever sits still! Never the less, I love this one of my 3 favorite boys in the whole world :)
Christmas morning!! BBZ bought LBZ this onesie that says "I'm Super!" and has a cape on the back. This combined with BBZ's Spiderman jam jams, my wonder woman ones and N's Flash underwear sure make us one super family!
BBZ and LBZ got so many wonderful things. Our family is so generous and N did a great job finding things that BBZ would love. The highlights were the Batman bat cave and legos.
Lots and lots of Legos! Luckily, I really love putting Legos together. I was even kind of sad when we were done.
I didn't get any pictures of the boys in their matching jam jams besides this one. Aren't they cute? We had a tradition growing up that we could open one gift on Christmas Eve and it was always jammies. My mom even bought jammies for herself and my dad! We are definitely going to carry on this tradition at our house. And they don't have to be Christmassy either!
Getting a photo with both boys sitting still is super hard. Clearly.
N took this one during our vacation last week...
Who would have thought I could hold my whole world right there in my lap, with my partner there to record it. These boys and N bring such joy to my life. I can't really put it into words. We had a whole week off last week and had such an amazing time. We stayed in some days, ran errands on others. Went to the Zoo, played Legos, read books, and just enjoyed our time together as a family. It will be so hard to be back at work tomorrow, but I know it is time. Hopefully the time until our next vacation will go by super fast!
Back to the grind we go, and another new year begins.