I guess maybe he is adjusting to the newness, but he seemed a little off this weekend. Friday he was fine, we even went bowling with friends and he slept in his car seat some, woke up for a while and went back to sleep when I held him. Saturday I didn't want to leave the house because he was so cranky in the morning, but in the evening we took him to our friend's house so we could go to N's work Christmas party, and he was a perfect angel. I think he was bored at home all day and craved the excitement he had at daycare all week! Yesterday we went to another friend's house and he did pretty good there, too. Today was the toughest day. The biggest issue are his naps. He wanted to nurse to sleep at every nap. This isn't a problem for me, but when he is with N, or tomorrow when he is back at school, this could become an issue. We also didn't go anywhere today. Maybe he just loves to be on the go and his attention span is getting shorter so he needs more stimualtion. He seemed to eat a lot today too. Maybe he's going through a growth spurt. I won't be surprised if he grows out of his 6 month clothes already...he'll be just 4 months on Friday!
One thing I have learned, is what works/doesn't work one day could totally change the next day. I started to worry about starting a bad habit of nursing him to sleep, but tomorrow is another day and could present new challenges altogether.