Sunday, June 10, 2012

Little Brother Z is 9 Months Old!

Oh, sweet LBZ, today you are 9 months old!  This was a month of new things.  So many new things that your sleep and your demeanor changed somewhat.  You are still a happy little boy, but with all of the developmental things going on, it makes sense that you would change a bit!

You continue to crawl all over our home.  You lift your tummy up occasionally, or sometimes you even scoot on your bum with one leg extended to get where you're going.  You want to get there fast, so the army crawl continues to be your fastest mode of transport.

You're also pulling up on things, which means you fall occasionally.  You've taken a few tumbles that have left bruises on your head or face.  You seem to always fall head first!

Look at you standing up!  Within 3 weeks you got 2 more teeth, learned to sit up on your own, clap your hands, pull up to your knees, pull up to your feet, and even said a few words!  It was a developmental explosion!  No wonder you are waking up much more frequently at night.

You still love the water!  We bought this little splash pool for you and your brother and you both had such a fun day playing and splashing.  We became members at the rec center where you and BBZ go to school and you love that pool too!  I don't know if I'm ready to take you and your brother on my own yet, but when I am we'll have some fun Mondays there, I'm sure.

We got some hand-me-down bikes from your aunt and uncle and your daddy got me this bike trailer for mother's day!  You haven't tried it yet, but your brother loves it!

I love watching you pull up and explore your world.  You were so sick during the last week it seems like you have a little catching up to do.  I'm sure you'll be completely back to yourself in another day or two.

Oh how I love the way your cute little fluffy-butt diaper sticks out of your pants :)

And those blue eyes still melt my heart!  Your eyelashes are getting longer, and I wonder if they will seem to go on forever like your brother's and your daddy's.

Look at those big 'ol teeth!  The ones on top seem so much bigger than I remember BBZ's being.  You use them to chew your food too!  You love cauliflower, bananas, puffs, zucchini and hummus.  You are probably ready for harder foods, but I still stick with really soft cooked veggies.  You're past purees, but not quite to regular table food.
Oh, how I love you and your brother!  You boys (and your daddy) fill my heart with such joy.  Hearing you match words with objects and people is so fun!  You now have words or sounds for ma-ma, da-da, ball and bye.  And you wave to us too!

I remember so vividly the day you were born.  I remember the very first time I saw you face, with the bag of water still covering the right side of your face.  The last 9 months have flown by, yet I can't really remember life before you joined our family.  It's as though you have always been with us, my sweet littlest boy.  I love you so much.
