Saturday, September 19, 2009

Oh where, oh where?

Oh where, oh where has my baby boy gone?
Oh where, oh where can he be?
With his hair cut short... ...and his eyelashes long...
Oh, where, oh where can he be???
I have been cleaning and cleaning and cleaning for what feels like a week preparing my house for BBZ's first birthday party tomorrow. Where has the time gone? Has it really been almost a year? I am working on a long post for Way back When-sday, which happens to be his real birthday. He is the cutest little boy! He has only taken 1, 1-hour nap for the last 3 days, but has also slept straight through the night 2 nights in a row! I'm trying not to get my hopes up, but things regarding sleep at the Z household are looking up.
My mom and dad are here for the weekend and for the party, so we were spoiled with hanging out with them all day today! They did a great job entertaining BBZ while I cleaned, and my mom even helped me clean...which is great! I had Friday off, so I managed to hang with BBZ all morning, get my hair cut, start the cleaning and even squeezed in a visit with Laura's little angel baby on Friday!

She is just the cutest little girl! She is so super tiny! BBZ was literally never this small. Well, I guess he was, but I was 8 months pregnant then!

I can't believe he is almost a year already...does that mean I am a year older too? The time goes by way too fast.